Do you need help with Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) application?

OISC reg immigration advisor based in London
0203 667 2700 / 0786 751 7693

There are rules and regulation that you have to follow in order to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in UK. Indefinite Leave to remain as the name implies is a path to settle in this country. This ILR is also known as the Settlement.

ILR gives you the privilege to live, work or and study here for as long as you want. And also living in this country, you can apply for the benefits if you are eligible for that.

One important thing is that you can also apply for a British passport through ILR. We are UK based firm who is dealing with all kinds of customers issues related to ILR applications.

If you applying for an ILR the eligibility criteria is different whether you apply as an adult or a child. There is a test which is called as “Life in the UK Test” that you need to pass if you are at the age of 18 to 64.

Also for adults as per the eligibility criteria you do not have to give proof of your English language efficiency in this private life route. In case if you are not eligible for the private life route you can also apply for ILR through other routes as well.

Documents that are required in order to apply for ILR are your current passport, your BRP if you have that and all other passports that you held while you were in UK.

If your documents are not in English or Welsh language then you have to provide the certified copy of the translation as well. These are not the final documents as the documents may vary depending upon the circumstances.

There are different criteria while you are applying for an ILR and we are here to support you in your complete process. So please take our help in dealing with the ILR process so that you don’t have to go through any delicacies.